Purine-free Beer for Gout

Allopurinol and beer

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  • Author
    • #6966
      James Daly


      I just went through my worst gout attack ever. My knee got so inflamed that I actually had to go to the emergency room to get 60 cc of joint fluid drained. The doctor had me on Prednisone for a few weeks, and now I’ve been on Colchicine for a week. He just filled a 100 mg prescription of Allopurinol that I’m going to start tonight.

      During this time I haven’t had any alcohol, coffee or sugary drinks. Also, I’ve done my best to avoid any sugary sweets (candy).

      It has been over a month, and I would really like to have a beer. My doctor recommended sticking with wine, which is fine. But with the warm weather coming, I’d like to be able to enjoy an ice-cold beer or two.

      My question is, with Allopurinol, is this safe? Also, if I refrain from the other items I mentioned, would it be ok/wise to have to go back to drinking beer? If not, is there any other option other than wine?

      As well as allopurinol and beer, this topic also discusses Does CBD help gout?

    • #5220
      Eric Bolvin

      Expecting a gout attack after beer

      Hi; I’ve got my uric acid under control (4.0 down from 6.2) with allopurinol.
      So I am just a normal drinker-3 beers tops. Went out last night and had 3 beers. Should I expect a gout attack? Can I take colchicine to ward it off? How soon after drinking does one get an attack?


      • #5223
        d q

        Hello Eric,

        Most will agree that none of us have a crystal ball what can be said is this.

        Should I expect a gout attack?

        If you have just started Allopurinol and you are not taking preventative treatment (Colchicine) you can expect a gout attack regardless of what you drink or eat. Your body is now dissolving uric acid crystals and you are getting better. It might be a rocky ride till you get better but Colchicine is there to keep any attacks at bay in your early allopurinol days.

        Can I take colchicine to ward it off?

        Yes. 3 ways you can deal with this:

        1. Start Colchicine with Allopurinol for a few weeks / months (get advice from rheumatologist first about dosing and length)

        2. Take Colchicine anyway to keep it at bay and mind at rest however if you plan to be out and potentially around sick people or hospitals then this isn’t advised as you will potentially be weakening your immune system for no real reason.

        3. If you feel an attack coming, just take it then.

        How soon after drinking does one get an attack?

        If anyone can reliably and accurately give you answer to this life would be much simpler for anyone who visits this site. 🙂

        Finally, I personally don’t drink, but if you are taking Allopurinol you already have a safety net in place when it comes to purine rich content.


    • #6967

      Allopurinol and Drinking Beer

      It would be best to avoid alcohol entierly for a while. Once allopurinol has cured your gout, you will hopefully be able to consume alcohol without putting your joints at risk.
      But if you are going to do alcohol, I doubt an occasional beer would be much worse than wine. Red wine is generally recommended over other alcoholic drinks but I haven’t seen solid evidence that beer is all that bad (though I haven’t gone out of my way to look for it). Just watch the amount you drink (it would be prudent to drink only half of your cold one for instance). Don’t make yourself crazy by denying yourself a sip of the stuff but you really, really don’t want end up binge-drinking.
      Also make sure you drink plenty of water, especially if it’s hot or if you’ve been drinking alcohol or coffee-type drinks.
      Even while you are still suffering from gout, beer will be safer once you are on a steady allopurinol dose. Right now you are starting a potentially dangerous new drug and I assume you have yet to get your liver function tested since starting allopurinol (and quite possibly the effect of colchicine on your liver hasn’t been tested either). The dose will also have to be adjusted over the coming months. So it’s not the best time to induldge.

    • #6979
      d q

      +1 to everything nobody said.

      In addition make sure you add kidney function tests to all your upcoming blood tests as Allopurinol is metabolised there and you don’t want Allopurinol causing issues with your kidneys. Also, if you’ve just started Allopurinol the chances are your Uric Acid serum levels will be high as crystals begin to mobilise and dissolve into your blood and you really don’t want to add additional empty purines (beer) into your blood.

      • #9405
        068694 .

        Read my forum post about Lager

    • #6983
      James Daly

      Beer and Gout Forum

      Thank you both for your quick and informative responses. I’ll refrain from drinking beer for now. But as this gout forum seems to cover everything…

      Does anyone have any experience with CBD Oils? I’ve heard they’re helpful for arthritis and gout.

    • #6984
      chris mousel

      Does CBD help Gout?

      James I’m a newbie here but I have some experience with CBD. Charlotte’s Web. I have another condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia. Due to the intense nature of pain produced by this condition the CBD oil was never able to combat pain the way a scheduled drug could. My gout experience has included 4 episodes over the last year. CBD oil would not have touched the pain presented during an active attack. CBD oil also has a titration level, start small and work up to the dose required to assist you. Then it’s taken daily. Gout attacks are so sudden and vary in length I doubt you could titrate a dose timely enough during the attack.

      Also CBD oil is not inexpensive. The dose required for adult strength oil is costly per month out of pocket. Monthly for everyday use as intended runs well over 250.00 dollars monthly. CBD is not covered by insurance currently. Also CBD oil although having a .3 percent active ingredient THC. By which you don’t achieve a ” high “.

      It does show up on urine drug testing in a very short period of time. This leaves you vulnerable to legal prosecution depending, at least in the U.S.on where you reside. To be safe you would need a doctor order and have a state given I.D. to allow it’s use. Also your driver’s license would require a signed statement of your condition sanctioned by your M.D. allowing you to drive legally.
      Best wishes C.

    • #6997
      James Daly

      Hi Chris,

      Thank you for the response. It definitely doesn’t sound like its worth it.


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